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Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

Ottawa, Ontario

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), established in 1963, has played a leadership role in creating over two-thirds of Canada’s protected areas. CPAWS’ long-term vision is that at least one-half of Canada’s public lands, freshwater and ocean environments will remain permanently wild for the public trust. As a national charity with 13 chapters, over 200,000 supporters and hundreds of volunteers, CPAWS works collaboratively with federal, provincial, territorial and indigenous governments, local communities, industry and indigenous peoples to protect our country’s amazing natural places. We also work to ensure that our parks are managed to protect the nature within them.

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society is Canada's grassroots voice for wilderness. Since 1963, we have been instrumental in the creation of over two-thirds of Canada's protected areas. That amounts to over half a million square kilometres. Our vision is to keep at least half of Canada's public land, ocean and fresh water wild.

Protecting Public Land, Oceans and Freshwater
All of Canada’s ocean estate and freshwater together with ninety percent of Canada's lands are ... Read More