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CALGARY, Alberta

For over thirty years, Calgary Young People’s Theatre has provided professional quality productions, workshops, classes and summer camps for young people from Calgary and surrounding area. Our young artists take the experiences they gain at CYPT – responsibility, empathy, creativity and collaboration, to name a few – with them into their post-secondary education, their careers, and home to their friends and family. We aim to inspire and mentor the next generation of arts creators and enthusiasts by offering brave, creative spaces where young people can express themselves and their ideas.

Calgary Young People’s Theatre (CYPT) was founded in 1992 by Brian Dorscht and Jackie Pontin. CYPT produces a theatrical season made up of 4 productions, in which youth ages 9-18 audition for the chance to be a part of a professional theatre process and performance. We offer a mentor-ship program within our productions, giving older students or recent alumni, a chance to shadow our production team to learn other theatrical skills including directing, stage management or design. We also ... Lire la suite

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