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Edmonton, Alberta

Nuova Vocal Arts brings together the finest Canadian vocalists and pianists in order to expand their talents, share their passions, and discover strong relationships. We proudly produce professional opera performances that showcase emerging talent while maintaining the highest artistic and musical standards. We’re committed to spreading the arts throughout our community. Our desire is to educate and inspire audiences of all ages and backgrounds with the rich artistic world of opera and music theatre.

We are committed to developing attracting new audiences by:
• Presenting concert performances or alternative performance in intimate settings. The audience members can experience the resonant beauty of the voice and accompanying instruments;
• Producing productions in operatic and music theatre genres that integrate skills and enthusiasm of children and adults from the community into semi-professional productions;
• Educating and creating opera and operetta for young audiences in schools and creating outreach performances for communities that rarely have the opportunity to see opera;
• Creating workshops for communities to further educate the public about the extensive nature of the vocal arts.

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