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CALGARY, Alberta

The annual Festival is a four-day, family-friendly, cultural and musical jamboree at the bucolic Prince's Island Park. The festival hosts and celebrates over 70 artists from ranging from Calgary, around Alberta, throughout Canada and around the world on six daytime and two evening stages. Our diverse and exciting line-up will perform in concerts as well as sessions – unpredictable mash-ups where artists share songs, stories and collaborate in unique and often unexpected ways. It is a must-attend event for music and festival lovers; an essential community gathering for 53,000 Calgarians and tourists.

The Calgary Folk Music Festival (also known as "Calgary Folk Fest") is held in late July each year at Prince's Island Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.[2] July 2019 is the Festival's 40th edition. The four-day Calgary Folk Music Festival annually features over 68 icons and upstarts from 16 countries on 11 stages in over 100 distinct concert and collaborative programming performances to a 52,000+ audience the 4th weekend of July at Prince's Island Park. A genre-bending affair, it features roots, funk, country, old-time, world and indie icons and upstarts from around the globe. Ever-evolving programming brings on-the-fly collaborations where musical arranged marriages spark one-time works of art.

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